Digital Publishing Brief Digital Publishing BriefΔTell us about your book publishing project Thank you for your interest in our book publishing services. Please complete this questionnaire to help us develop a customised plan for your project. Ours is a self-publishing model which means that you have almost absolute control over how your book is published and sold. You will sponsor the project and keep 100 percent of the royalties that come to you. Please note that some of the details we request in this questionnaire are required by Amazon and other platforms during the book publishing process. We are asking for them now so that we can have all of the necessary information at once.Author's DetailsFirst NameLast NameEmailDate of BirthCitizenshipResidential AddressTell us about yourselfTax Identification NumberIdentity Verification: Please state the issuing countryPlease indicate the ID type International Passport National Identity Number Driver's License Travel Document Work Permit Immigration VisaPlease upload the front of your Identity documentChoose File Please upload the back of your Identity document as a separate file.Choose File Book DetailsWhat is your budget for the entire publishing project? Proposed book titleSubtitle of proposed bookManuscript word countBook Category Art Biography/Memoir Children's book Faith and Spirituality Fiction History Illustrated book Poetry Non-fiction Personal development Self-improvement OtherOther (if applicable)Please describe the central idea and scope of your book.Are there groups of people that would be particularly attracted to your book?Provide a short description for your book (not more than 400 characters).Provide a long description for your book (not more than 4,000 characters).Cover Design I will provide a cover design with the required specifications I want you to provide a professional cover design (extra charges may apply) I have a specific cover design concept OtherHow would you like to have the book published?Please select all that apply.PDF eBookKindle eBookMultiple electronic formats (including .mobi and .epub)Traditional print publishingPrint-on-demandAudio bookVideo bookOtherIf you picked other, please specifySpecify your desired distribution channels.Please select all that apply.AmazonSmashwordsOkada BooksBarnes & NoblesiBookKoboDirect downloadsLocal bookstoresGlobal/Extended distribution networkOtherPlease specify, if you clicked other above.Royalty PaymentsDo you have an unrestricted PayPal account? Yes No I don't know OtherPreferred optimum price for the book in dollars.Suggested maximum price for the book.Please provide your bank information, i.e., the bank into which you will like your royalties paid.Additional InformationHow did you learn about us?GoogleInstagramFacebookMarketplaceNewsletterLinkedInReferralOtherIf you selected Referral above, please state the name and contact details of the person who referred you.Please specify, if you clicked OtherIs there any other thing you will like us to know?Submit Form